
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

CVE-2012-4969 Internet explorer 0day samples

The Internet Explorer 0day aka now CVE-2012-4969, have been used in a "small number of targeted attacks". The new Internet Explorer Zero day technical details came out (, the Metasploit module is out now too and the number will increase exponentially as soon as exploit pack authors add it to their arsenal, which will happen very soon. This seems to be repeating the story of Java CVE-2012-4681. See CVE-2012-4681 samples Original (APT) and Blackhole 2.0 (crime)

There are a few mitigation workarounds you can use for now, the best is to upgrade your browser, however

CVE-2012-4681 samples Original (APT) and Blackhole 2.0 (crime)

Here are two samples of Java CVE-2012-4681 exploit - one from the original targeted attack described in our post on August 30, 2012 and the other from today's spam redirecting to Blackhole 2.0 exploit kit and using CVE-2012-4681 adapted from the Metasploit framework.
The Blackhole 2.0 ad is translated and posted at along with a very good analysis.
The spam campaigns are probably different but the one I encountered was using the subject "ADP Invoice Reminder" with address sent from what it looks like a spam botnet. The body of the email looks very convincing  - see the legitimate ADP email below in comparison to the fake one. The links are legitimate compromised websites redirecting to the Blackhole exploit server. The payload is Zeus (Gameover P2P version not Citadel). Many websites already cleaned and giving error 404 and some are still active. I posted approximately 50 headers below for those who deal with spam filters as well as pcap and other information.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Contagio file downloads are not available indefinitely (thanks to Mediafire and LeakID ideas about copyright)

Mediafire notified me the other day that they had confirmation from LeakID that the notices they submitted  were done in error. They restored all the file access.
I want to thank all who helped me with the posts and updates Paul Robert from SophosLabs, Soulskill- Slashdot, Dan Kaplan from SC Magazine for their articles, everyone who made posts on Twitter  and the Mediafire team for the über fast response to the posts and resolution. I guess LeakID do not speak to victims directly, never heard from them.