Update: May 19, 2018
APT 1 resources
Threat Actor aliases:
Comment Crew, Comment Panda, PLA Unit 61398, TG-8223, APT 1, BrownFox,Group 3,GIF89a, ShadyRAT, Shanghai Group, Byzantine Candor
These are the samples described in the Mandiant Report APT1, in the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Each file is named according to the malware family, so you can run your own detection and signature tools to see how your naming convention corresponds to the one used by Mandiant.
You can use these binaries to develop signatures, compare to your samples, or study the behavior and evolution of APT1.
I added Contagio samples in several families as well.
The list of binaries and their names, as well as malware families descriptions are provided below for your convenience.
Below descirptions are from Mandiant IOC http://intelreport.mandiant.com/Mandiant_APT1_Report_Appendix.zip

Circa 2009-2010
GCAL_sample_72d4be67abeaa6ab3827784317b1b7 e9
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. Members of this family of malware provide remote command shell and remote file download and execution capabilities.
The malware downloads a web page containing a crafted HTML comment that subsequently contains an encoded command. The contents of this command tell the malware whether to download and execute a program, launch a reverse shell to a specific host and port number, or to sleep for a period of time.
APT 1 resources
Threat Actor aliases:
Comment Crew, Comment Panda, PLA Unit 61398, TG-8223, APT 1, BrownFox,Group 3,GIF89a, ShadyRAT, Shanghai Group, Byzantine Candor
- 2010_11_Fireeye_VinSelf - A new backdoor in town! « VinSelf - A new backdoor in town! _ FireEye Inc.pdf
- 2010_12_Guardian_WikiLeaks cables reveal fears over Chinese cyber warfare _ US news _ The Guardian.pdf
- 2011_08_Ira Winkler_ Shady Rat Case Shows Vendors As Big a Problem As APT Itself _ CIO.pdf
- 2011_08_Kaspersky's Thoughts on Operation Shady Rat _ Nota Bene_ Eugene Kaspersky's Official Blog.pdf
- 2011_10_SANS_detailed-analysis-advanced-persistent-threat-malware-33814.pdf
- 2011_Mcafee-operation-shady-rat1.pdf
- 2012_06_Bloomberg_Hackers Linked to China’s Army Seen From EU to D.C. - Bloomberg.pdf
- 2013_02_NYTimes_China’s Army Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.pdf
- 2013_03_Fireeye_TABMSGSQL and 44 WEBC2-YAHOO_The Dingo and the Baby « The Dingo and the Baby _ FireEye Inc.pdf
- 2013_05_Fireeye_APT1 Three Months Later.pdf
- 2013_05_Mandiant-APT1_Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units.pdf
- 2014_05_Fireeye_The PLA and the 8_00am-5_00pm Work Day_ FireEye Confirms DOJ's Findings on APT1 Intrusion Activity « The PLA and the 8_00am-5_00pm Work Day_ FireEye Confirms DOJ's Findings on APT1 Intrusion Activity _ FireEye Inc.pdf
- 2014_06_Crowdstrike_Hat-tribution to PLA Unit 61486 ».pdf
- 2014_12_Vinself now with steganography - Airbus CyberSecurity.pdf
- 2016_BANGAT_malware-signatures_bangat.yara at master · citizenlab_malware-signatures.pdf
- GIF89a_Vinselfdecoder_malwaretracker.com_ Command and Control Decoder - Vinself Trojan.pdf
- PLA Unit 61398 _ Council on Foreign Relations Interactives.pdf
You can use these binaries to develop signatures, compare to your samples, or study the behavior and evolution of APT1.
I added Contagio samples in several families as well.
The list of binaries and their names, as well as malware families descriptions are provided below for your convenience.
Sample list and information
Below descirptions are from Mandiant IOC http://intelreport.mandiant.com/Mandiant_APT1_Report_Appendix.zip
The AURIGA malware family shares a large amount of functionality with the BANGAT backdoor. The malware family contains functionality for keystroke logging, creating and killing processes, performing file system and registry modifications, spawning interactive command shells, performing process injection, logging off the current user or shutting down the local machine. The AURIGA malware contains a driver component which is used to inject the malware DLL into other processes. This driver can also perform process and IP connection hiding. The malware family will create a copy of cmd.exe to perform its C2 activity, and replace the "Microsoft corp" strings in the cmd.exe binary with different values. The malware family typically maintains persistence through installing itself as a service.
AURIGA_sample_6B31344B40E2AF9C9EE3BA707558C1 4E
The BANGAT malware family shares a large amount of functionality with the AURIGA backdoor. The malware family contains functionality for keylogging, creating and killing processes, performing filesystem and registry modifications, spawning interactive command shells, performing process injection, logging off the current user or shutting down the local machine. In addition, the malware also implements a custom VNC like protocol which sends screenshots of the desktop to the C2 server and accepts keyboard and mouse input. The malware communicates to its C2 servers using SSL, with self signed SSL certificates. The malware family will create a copy of cmd.exe to perform its C2 activity, and replace the "Microsoft corp" strings in the cmd.exe binary with different values. The malware family typically maintains persistence through installing itself as a service.
BANGAT_sample_Contagio samples for Bangat4C6BDDCCA2695D6202DF38708E14FC 7E
BANGAT_sample_8E8622C393D7E832D39E620EAD5D3B 49
BANGAT_sample_468FF2C12CFFC7E5B2FE0EE6BB3B23 9E
BANGAT_sample_727A6800991EEAD454E53E8AF164A9 9C
BANGAT_sample_BD8B082B7711BC980252F988BB0CA9 36
BANGAT_sample_DB05DF0498B59B42A8E493CF3C10C5 78
BANGAT_sample_E1B6940985A23E5639450F83918206 55
BANGAT_sample_EF8E0FB20E7228C7492CCDC59D87C6 90
Circa 2009-2010
BISCUIT provides attackers with full access to an infected host. BISCUIT capabilities include launching an interactive command shell, enumerating servers on a Windows network, enumerating and manipulating process, and transferring files. BISCUIT communicates using a custom protocol, which is then encrypted using SSL. Once installed BISCUIT will attempt to beacon to its command/control servers approximately every 10 or 30 minutes. It will beacon its primary server first, followed by a secondary server. All communication is encrypted with SSL (OpenSSL 0.9.8i).
BISCUIT_sample_5A728CB9CE56763DCCB32B5298D0F0 50
BISCUIT_sample_5D8129BE965FAB8115ECA34FC84BD7 F0
BISCUIT_sample_7CB055AC3ACBF53E07E20B65EC9126 A1
BISCUIT_sample_12F25CE81596AEB19E75CC7EF08F3A 38
BISCUIT_sample_43B844C35E1A933E9214588BE81CE7 72
BISCUIT_sample_70A55FDC712C6E31E013E6B5D412B0 D6
BISCUIT_sample_268EEF019BF65B2987E945AFAF2964 3F
BISCUIT_sample_15901DDBCCC5E9E0579FC5B42F754F E8
BISCUIT_sample_034374DB2D35CF9DA6558F54CEC8A4 55
BISCUIT_sample_DA383CC098A5EA8FBB87643611E4BF B6
Contagio samples for
BOUNCER will load an extracted DLL into memory, and then will call the DLL's dump export. The dump export is called with the parameters passed via the command line to the BOUNCER executable. It requires at least two arguments, the IP and port to send the password dump information. It can accept at most five arguments, including a proxy IP, port and an x.509 key for SSL authentication. The DLL backdoor has the capability to execute arbitrary commands, collect database and server information, brute force SQL login credentials, launch arbitrary programs, create processes and threads, delete files, and redirect network traffic.
BOUNCER_sample_5. CALENDAR6EBD05A02459D3B22A9D4A79B8626B F1
BOUNCER_sample_57353ECBAECE29ECAF8025231EB930 E3
BOUNCER_sample_CF038194F0FE222F31EC24CB80941B B1
BOUNCER_sample_D2F1BE7E10ED39AA8BC0F7F671D824 D2
BOUNCER_sample_F90DA15F862BB8452FC51D3F0DBB33 73
This family of malware uses Google Calendar to retrieve commands and send results. It retrieves event feeds associated with Google Calendar, where each event contains commands from the attacker for the malware to perform. Results are posted back to the event feed. The malware authenticates with Google using the hard coded email address and passwords. The malware uses the deprecated ClientLogin authentication API from Google. The malware is registered as a service dll as a persistence mechanism. Artifacts of this may be found in the registry.
The COMBOS malware family is an HTTP based backdoor. The backdoor is capable of file upload, file download, spawning a interactive reverse shell, and terminating its own process. The backdoor may decrypt stored Internet Explorer credentials from the local system and transmit the credentials to the C2 server. The COMBOS malware family does not have any persistence mechanisms built into itself.
The COMBOS malware family is an HTTP based backdoor. The backdoor is capable of file upload, file download, spawning a interactive reverse shell, and terminating its own process. The backdoor may decrypt stored Internet Explorer credentials from the local system and transmit the credentials to the C2 server. The COMBOS malware family does not have any persistence mechanisms built into itself.
COMBOS_sample_1E3719BBF854417384A3768E432658 4BCOMBOS_sample_ EC1E62EF73D844C6C845ACDD4C1F9C E7
COMBOS_sample_FA14D823A5D1854131DB0DC9EEF270 22
7 COOKIEBAG aka TROJAN.COOKIES http://www.cyberengineeringservices.com/trojan-cookies/
his family of malware is a backdoor capable of file upload and download as well as providing remote interactive shell access to the compromised machine.
Communication with the Command & Control (C2) servers uses a combination of single-byte XOR and Base64 encoded data in the Cookie and Set-Cookie HTTP header fields. Communication with the C2 servers is over port 80. Some variants install a registry key as means of a persistence mechanism. The hardcoded strings cited include a string of a command in common with several other APT1 families.
COOKIEBAG_sample_0C28AD34F90950BC784339EC9F50D2 88
COOKIEBAG_sample_321D75C9990408DB812E5A248A74F8 C8
COOKIEBAG_sample_543E03CC5872E9ED870B2D64363F51 8B
COOKIEBAG_sample_989B797C2A63FBFC8E1C6E8A8CCD62 04
COOKIEBAG_sample_57326CD78A56D26E349BBD4BCC5B9F A2
COOKIEBAG_sample_DB2580F5675F04716481B24BB7AF46 8E
COOKIEBAG_sample_F3611C5C793F521F7FF2A69C22D417 4E
Members of this malware family are backdoors that provide file downloading, process listing, process killing, and reverse shell capabilities. This malware may also add itself to the Authorized Applications list for the Windows Firewall.
DAIRY_sample_995442F722CC037885335340FC297E A0
Members of this family of malware are utilities designed to extract email messages and attachments from Outlook PST files. One part of this utility set is an executable, one is a dll. The malware may create a registry artifact related to the executable.
GETMAIL_sample_909BEF6DB8D33854E983EBCCDD7141 9F
GETMAIL_sample_E81DB0198D2A63C4CCFC33F58FCB82 1E
GETMAIL_sample_E212AAF642D73A2E4A885F12EEA86C 58
This family of malware is a utility designed to upload files to Google Docs. Nearly all communications are with docs.google.com are SSL encrypted. The malware does not use Google's published API to interact with their services. The malware does not currently work with Google Docs. It does not detect HTTP 302 redirections and will get caught in an infinite loop attempting to parse results from Google that are not present.
10 GLOOXMAIL - aka TROJAN.GTALK http://www.cyberengineeringservices.com/trojan-gtalk/
GLOOXMAIL communicates with Google's Jabber/XMPP servers and authenticates with a hard-coded username and password. The malware can accept commands over XMPP that includes file upload and download, provide a remote shell, sending process listings, and terminating specified processes. The malware makes extensive use of the open source gloox library (http://camaya.net/gloox/, version to communicate using the Jabber/XMPP protocol. All communications with the Google XMPP server are encrypted.
GLOOXMAIL_sample_3DE1BD0F2107198931177B2B23877D F4
GLOOXMAIL_sample_15A33F8FE11B94BDD38BFF651F6A5C D1
11 GOGGLES - AKA TROJAN.FOXY http://www.cyberengineeringservices.com/trojan-foxy-des/
A family of downloader malware, that retrieves an encoded payload from a fixed location, usually in the form of a file with the .jpg extension. Some variants have just an .exe that acts as a downloader, others have an .exe launcher that runs as a service and then loads an associated .dll of the same name that acts as the downloader. This IOC is targeted at the downloaders only. After downloading the file, the malware decodes the downloaded payload into an .exe file and launches it. The malware usually stages the files it uses in the %TEMP% directory or the %WINDIR%\Temp directory.
GOGGLES_sample_09D372E4259980AC95FDADF1846578 D9
GOGGLES_sample_57F98D16AC439A11012860F88DB218 31
GOGGLES_sample_51326BF40DA5A5357A143DD9A6E6A1 1C
GOGGLES_sample_A5B581C0600815B1112CA2FED57892 8B
GOGGLES_sample_BCB087F69792B69494A3EDAD51A842 BB
GOGGLES_sample_BF80DBF969B73790253F683CD723FD 71
GOGGLES_sample_DB50416D9E67F4982E89E0FFB0ADE6 F3
Members of this family are full featured backdoors that communicates with a Web-based Command & Control (C2) server over SSL. Features include interactive shell, gathering system info, uploading and downloading files, and creating and killing processes, Malware in this family usually communicates with a hard-coded domain using SSL on port 443. Some members of this family rely on launchers to establish persistence mechanism for them. Others contains functionality that allows it to install itself, replacing an existing Windows service, and uninstall itself. Several variants use %SystemRoot%\Tasks or %WinDir%\Tasks as working directories, additional malware artifacts may be found there.
GREENCAT_sample_0C5E9F564115BFCBEE66377A829DE5 5F
GREENCAT_sample_1F92FF8711716CA795FBD81C477E45 F5
GREENCAT_sample_3E6ED3EE47BCE9946E2541332CB34C 69
GREENCAT_sample_3E69945E5865CCC861F69B24BC1166 B6
GREENCAT_sample_5AEAA53340A281074FCB539967438E 3F
GREENCAT_sample_6D2320AF561B2315C1241E3EFD8606 7F
GREENCAT_sample_30E78D186B27D2023A2A7319BB679C 3F
GREENCAT_sample_36C0D3F109AEDE4D76B05431F8A64F 9E
GREENCAT_sample_55FB1409170C91740359D1D96364F1 7B
GREENCAT_sample_57E79F7DF13C0CB01910D0C688FCD2 96
GREENCAT_sample_120C2E085992FF59A21BA401EC29FE C9_different
GREENCAT_sample_390D1F2A620912104F53C034C8AEF1 4B
GREENCAT_sample_871CC547FEB9DBEC0285321068E392 B8
GREENCAT_sample_7388D67561D0A7989202AD4D37EFF2 4F
GREENCAT_sample_A99E06E2F90DB4E506EF1347A8774D D5
GREENCAT_sample_A565682D8A13A5719977223E0D9C7A A4
GREENCAT_sample_AB208F0B517BA9850F1551C9555B53 13
GREENCAT_sample_B3BC979D8DE3BE09728C5DE1A0297C 4B
GREENCAT_sample_B8F61242E28F2EDF6CB1BE87814384 91
GREENCAT_sample_BA0C4D3DBF07D407211B5828405A9B 91
GREENCAT_sample_C044715C2626AB515F6C85A21C47C7 DD
GREENCAT_sample_E54CE5F0112C9FDFE86DB17E85A5E2 C5
GREENCAT_sample_E83F60FB0E0396EA309FAF0AED64E5 3F
GREENCAT_sample_F4ED3B7A8A58453052DB4B5BE37073 42
GREENCAT_sample_FAB6B0B33D59F393E142000F128A96 52
This family of malware is a backdoor that provides reverse shell, process creation, system statistics collection, process enumeration, and process termination capabilities.
This family is designed to be a service DLL and does not contain an installation mechanism.
It usually communicates over port 443. Some variants use their own encryption, others use SSL.
This family of malware is designed to operate as a service and provides remote command execution and file transfer capabilities to a fixed IP address or domain name. All communication with the C2 server happens over port 443 using SSL.
This family can be installed as a service DLL. Some variants allow for uninstallation.
HELAUTO_sample_47E7F92419EB4B98FF4124C3CA11B7 38
HELAUTO_sample_DA6B0EE7EC735029D1FF4FA863A71D E8
This family of malware is a backdoor that tunnels its connection through a preconfigured proxy. The malware communicates with a remote command and control server over HTTPS via the proxy. The malware installs itself as a Windows service with a service name supplied by the attacker but defaults to IPRIP if no service name is provided during install.
No Mandiant samples available.
These are Contagio samples dated 2009
LIGHTBOLT is a utility with the ability to perform HTTP GET requests for a list of user-specified URLs. The responses of the HTTP requests are then saved as MHTML files, which are added to encrypted RAR files. LIGHTBOLT has the ability to use software certificates for authentication.
LIGHTBOLT_sample_2E86A9862257A0CF723CEEF3868A1A 12
LIGHTDART is a tool used to access a pre-configured web page that hosts an interface to query a database or data set. The tool then downloads the results of a query against that web page to an encrypted RAR file. This RAR file (1.rar) is renamed and uploaded to an attacker controlled FTP server, or uploaded via an HTTP POST with a .jpg extension. The malware will execute this search once a day. The target webpage usually contains information useful to the attacker, which is updated on a regular basis. Examples of targeted information include weather information or ship coordinates.
No samples
LONGRUN is a backdoor designed to communicate with a hard-coded IP address and provide the attackers with a custom interactive shell. It supports file uploads and downloads, and executing arbitrary commands on the compromised machine. When LONGRUN executes, it first loads configuration data stored as an obfuscated string inside the PE resource section. The distinctive string thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg is used as part of the input to the decoding algorithm. When the configuration data string is decoded it is parsed and treated as an IP and port number. The malware then connects to the host and begins interacting with it over a custom protocol.
No samples
This family of malware will beacon out at random intervals to the remote attacker. The attacker can run programs, execute arbitrary commands, and easily upload and download files. This IOC looks for both the dropper file and the backdoor.
19. MAPIGET as seen here http://contagiodump.blogspot.com/2010/06/these-days-i-see-spike-in-number-of.html
This malware utility is a set of two files that operate in conjunction to extract email messages and attachments from an Exchange server. In order to operate successfully, these programs require authentication credentials for a user on the Exchange server, and must be run from a machine joined to the domain that has Microsoft Outlook installed (or equivalent software that provides the Microsoft 'Messaging API' (MAPI) service).
MAPIGET_sample_C627E595C9EC6DC2199447AEAB59AC 03
MAPIGET_sample_F3C6C797EF80787E6CBEEAA77496A3 CB
Contagio samples for MAPIGET
This family of malware consists of backdoors that attempt to fetch encoded commands over HTTP. The malware is capable of downloading a file, downloading and executing a file, executing arbitrary shell commands, or sleeping a specified interval.
MINIASP_77FBFED235D6062212A3E43211A570 6E
The NEWSREELS malware family is an HTTP based backdoor. When first started, NEWSREELS decodes two strings from its resources section. These strings are both used as C2 channels, one URL is used as a beacon URL (transmitting) and the second URL is used to get commands (receiving). The NEWSREELS malware family is capable of performing file uploads, downloads, creating processes or creating an interactive reverse shell.
NEWSREELS_sample_02C65973B6018F5D473D701B3E7508 B2
NEWSREELS_sample_2C49F47C98203B110799AB622265F4 EF
NEWSREELS_sample_270D42F292105951EE81E4085EA450 54
NEWSREELS_sample_0496E3B17CF40C45F495188A368C20 3A
NEWSREELS_sample_523F56515221161579EE6090C962E5 B1
NEWSREELS_sample_933B11BC4799F8D9F65466FB2E3EA6 59
NEWSREELS_sample_A2CD1189860B9BA214421AAB86ECBC 8A
NEWSREELS_sample_A639F598D4C0B9AA7A4691D05F27D9 77
NEWSREELS_sample_AF2F7B070245C90BD2A0A084531417 3A
NEWSREELS_sample_B8277CCE81E0A372BC35D33A0C9483 C2
NEWSREELS_sample_D4C7F1F80883412F9796F1270ACCFF 50
NEWSREELS_sample_D271AE0F4E9230AF3B61EAFE7F671F DE
NEWSREELS_sample_EF6C375E3E6930E2B50E1E97FE6FBC C9
The SEASALT malware family communicates via a custom binary protocol. It is capable of gathering some basic system information, file system manipulation, file upload and download, process creation and termination, and spawning an interactive reverse shell. The malware maintains persistence by installing itself as a service.
SEASALT_sample_5E0DF5B28A349D46AC8CC7D9E5E61A 96
SEASALT_sample_F0726AADCF5D66DAF528F79BA85071 13
STARSYPOUND provides an interactive remote shell over an obfuscated communications channel. When it is first run, it loads a string (from the executable PE resource section) containing the beacon IP address and port. The malware sends the beacon string "*(SY)# <HOSTNAME>" to the remote system, where <HOSTNAME> is the hostname of the victim system. The remote host responds with a packet that also begins with the string "*(SY)# cmd". This causes the malware to launch a new cmd.exe child process. Further communications are forwarded to the cmd.exe child process to execute. The commands sent to the shell and their responses are obfuscated when sent over the network.
This family of malware provides a backdoor over the network to the attackers. It is configured to connect to a single host and offers file download over HTTP, program execution, and arbitrary execution of commands through a cmd.exe instance.
SWORD_sample_052F5DA1734464A985DCD669BFF62F 93
25. TABMSGSQL aka TROJAN LETSGO http://www.cyberengineeringservices.com/trojan-letsgo-analysis/
This malware family is a full-featured backdoor capable of file uploading and downloading, arbitrary execution of programs, and providing a remote interactive command shell.
All communications with the C2 server are sent over HTTP to a static URL, appending various URL parameters to the request. Some variants use a slightly different URL.
TABMSGSQL_sample_001DD76872D80801692FF942308C64 E6
TABMSGSQL_sample_2F930D92DC5EBC9D53AD2A2B451EBF 65
TABMSGSQL_sample_3E87051B1DC3463F378C7E1FE398DC 7D
TABMSGSQL_sample_052EC04866E4A67F31845D65653183 0D
TABMSGSQL_sample_002325A0A67FDED0381B5648D7FE9B 8E
TABMSGSQL_sample_55886D571C2A57984EA9659B57E1C6 3A
Contagio sample for TABMSDSQL - LETSGO
DC1286AAC46B0EAD7B27F045E5B09EFF Conference Materials.zip (dropper)
The TARSIP malware family is a backdoor which communicates over encoded information in HTTPS headers. Typical TARSIP malware samples will only beacon out to their C2 servers if the C2 DNS address resolves to a specific address. The capability of TARSIP backdoors includes file uploading, file downloading, interactive command shells, process enumeration, process creation, process termination. The TARSIP-ECLIPSE family is distinguished by the presence of 'eclipse' in .pdb debug strings present in the malware samples. It does not provide a built in mechanism to maintain persistence.
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_4A54D7878D4170C3D4E3C3606365C4 2C
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_4F763B07A7B8A80F1F9408E590F795 32
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_3107DE21E480AB1F2D67725F419B28 D0
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_8934AEED5D213FE29E858EEE616A6E C7
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_123505024F9E5FF74CB6AA67D7FCC3 92
TARSIP-ECLIPSE_sample_CA327BC83FBE38B3689CD1A5505DFC 33
The TARSIP malware family is a backdoor which communicates over encoded information in HTTPS headers. Typical TARSIP malware samples will only beacon out to their C2 servers if the C2 DNS address resolves to a specific address. The capability of TARSIP backdoors includes file uploading, file downloading, interactive command shells, process enumeration, process creation, process termination. The TARSIP-MOON family is distinguished by the presence of 'moon' in .pdb debug strings present in the malware samples. It does not provide a built in mechanism to maintain persistence.
The TARSIP malware family is a backdoor which communicates over encoded information in HTTPS headers. Typical TARSIP malware samples will only beacon out to their C2 servers if the C2 DNS address resolves to a specific address. The capability of TARSIP backdoors includes file uploading, file downloading, interactive command shells, process enumeration, process creation, process termination. The TARSIP-MOON family is distinguished by the presence of 'moon' in .pdb debug strings present in the malware samples. It does not provide a built in mechanism to maintain persistence.
TARSIP-MOON_sample_2BD02B41817D227058522CCA40ACD3 90
TARSIP-MOON_sample_95F25D3AFC5370F5D9FD8E65C17D35 99
TARSIP-MOON_sample_0908D8B3E459551039BADE50930E4C 1B
TARSIP-MOON_sample_6808EC6DBB23F0FA7637C108F44C5C 80
TARSIP-MOON_sample_A5D4EBC0285F0213E0C29D23BC4108 89
TARSIP-MOON_sample_C91EACAB7655870764D13BA741AA9A 73
28. WARP
The WARP malware family is an HTTP based backdoor written in C++, and the majority of its code base is borrowed from source code available in the public domain. Network communications are implemented using the same WWW client library (w3c.cpp) available from www.dankrusi.com/file_69653F3336383837.html. The malware has system survey functionality (collects hostname, current user, system uptime, CPU speed, etc.) taken directly from the BO2K backdoor available from www.bo2k.com. It also contains the hard disk identification code found at www.winsim.com/diskid32/diskid32.cpp. When the WARP executing remote commands, the malware creates a copy of the ?%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cmd.exe? file as '%USERPROFILE%\Temp\~ISUN32.EXE'. The version signature information of the duplicate executable is zeroed out. Some WARP variants maintain persistence through the use of DLL search order hijacking.
no sample
no sample
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. This family of malware is capable of downloading and executing a file. All variants represented here are the same file with different MD5 signatures. This malware attempts to contact its C2 once a week (Thursday at 10:00 AM). It looks for commands inside a set of HTML tags, part of which are in the File Strings indicator term below.
WEBC2-ADSPACE_sample_AB00B38179851C8AA3F9BC80ED7BAA 23
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. This malware family is a only a downloader which operates over the HTTP protocol with a hard-coded URL. If directed, it has the capability to download, decompress, and execute compressed binaries.
WEBC2-AUSOV_sample_6E442C5EF460BEE4C9457C6BF7A132 D6
WEBC2-AUSOV_sample_097B5ABB53A3D84FA9EABDA02FEF9E 91
WEBC2-AUSOV_sample_A40E20FF8B991308F508239625F275 D8
WEBC2-AUSOV_sample_D262CB8267BEB0E218F6D11D6AF905 2E
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. This family of malware is a backdoor capable of downloading files and updating its configuration.
Communication with the command and control (C2) server uses a combination of single-byte XOR and Base64 encoded data wrapped in standard HTML tags. The malware family installs a registry key as a persistence mechanism.
WEBC2-BOLID_sample_1EA61A0945BDE3C6F41E12BC01928D 37
WEBC2-BOLID_sample_5FF3269FACA4A67D1A4C537154AAAD 4B
WEBC2-BOLID_sample_53B263DD41838AA178A5CED338A207 F3
WEBC2-BOLID_sample_9675827A495F4BA6A4EFD4DD70932B 7C
WEBC2-BOLID_sample_D8238E950608E5ABA3D3E9E83E9EE2 CC
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The family of malware provides the attacker with an interactive command shell, the ability to upload and download files, execute commands on the system, list processes and DLLs, kill processes, and ping hosts on the local network. Responses to these commands are encrypted and compressed before being POSTed to the server. Some variants copy cmd.exe to Updatasched.exe in a temporary directory, and then may launch that in a process if an interactive shell is called. On initial invocation, the malware also attempts to delete previous copies of the Updatasched.exe file.
WEBC2-CLOVER_sample_2FCCAA39533DE02490B1C6395878DD 79
WEBC2-CLOVER_sample_29C691978AF80DC23C4DF96B5F6076 BB
WEBC2-CLOVER_sample_065E63AFDFA539727F63AF7530B22D 2F
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. Members of this family of malware act only as downloaders and droppers for other malware. They communicate with a hard-coded C2 server, reading commands embedded in HTML comment fields. Some variants are executables which act upon execution, others are DLLs which can be attached to services or loaded through search order hijacking.
WEBC2-CSON_sample_7D3140BD028F70F1FA865364B69C59 99
WEBC2-CSON_sample_50F35B7C86AEDE891A72FCB85F06B0 B7
WEBC2-CSON_sample_73D125F84503BD87F8142CF2BA8AB0 5E
WEBC2-CSON_sample_575836EBB1B8849F04E994E9160370 E4
WEBC2-CSON_sample_4192479B055B2B21CB7E6C803B765D 34
WEBC2-CSON_sample_277964807A66AEEB6BD81DBFCAA3E4 E6
WEBC2-CSON_sample_A38A367D6696BA90B2E778A5A4BF98 FD
WEBC2-CSON_sample_D22863C5E6F098A4B52688B021BEEF 0A
WEBC2-CSON_sample_F1E5D9BF7705B4DC5BE0B8A90B73A8 63
WEBC2-CSON_sample_F802B6E448C054C9C16B97FF856468 25
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-DIV variant searches for the strings "div safe:" and " balance" to delimit encoded C2 information. If the decoded string begins with the letter "J" the malware will parse additional arguments in the decoded string to specify the sleep interval to use. WEBC2-DIV is capable of downloading a file, downloading and executing a file, or sleeping a specified interval.
WEBC2-DIV_sample_1E5EC6C06E4F6BB958DCBB9FC63600 9D
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. This malware is a variant on the GREENCAT family, using a fixed web C2. This family is a full featured backdoor which provides remote command execution, file transfer, process and service enumeration and manipulation. It installs itself persistently through the current user's registry Run key.
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_1CE4605E771A04E375E0D1083F183E 8E
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_36C0D3F109AEDE4D76B05431F8A64F 9E
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_55FB1409170C91740359D1D96364F1 7B
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_BA0C4D3DBF07D407211B5828405A9B 91
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_E54CE5F0112C9FDFE86DB17E85A5E2 C5
WEBC2-GREENCAT_sample_E83F60FB0E0396EA309FAF0AED64E5 3F
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-HEAD variant communicates over HTTPS, using the system's SSL implementation to encrypt all communications with the C2 server. WEBC2-HEAD first issues an HTTP GET to the host, sending the Base64-encoded string containing the name of the compromised machine running the malware.
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_7B42B35832855AB4FF37AE9B8FA9E5 71
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_88C7C50CD4130561D57A1D3B82C5B9 53
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_165EF79E7CAA806F13F82CC2BBF3DE DD
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_649D54BC9EEF5A60A4B9D8B889FEE1 39
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_973F4A238D6D19BDC7B42977B07B9C EF
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_B74022A7B9B63FDC541AE0848B28A9 62
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_C4C638750526E28F68D6D71FD1266B DF
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_C9172B3E83C782BC930C06B628F31F A5
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_EC8C89AA5E521572C74E2DD02A4DAF 78
WEBC2-HEAD_sample_F627990BBE2EC5C48C180F724490C3 32
37 WEBC2-KT3
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-KT3 variant searches for commands in a specific comment tag. Network traffic starting with *!Kt3+v| may indicate WEBC2-KT3 activity.
WEBC2-KT3_sample_EC3A2197CA6B63EE1454D99A6AE145 AB
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-QBP variant will search for two strings in a HTML comment. The first will be "2010QBP " followed by " 2010QBP//--". Inside these tags will be a DES-encrypted string.
WEBC2-QBP_sample_929802A27737CEBC59D19DA724FDF3 0A
WEBC2-QBP_sample_C04C796EF126AD7429BE7D55720FE3 92
WEBC2-QBP_sample_CF9C2D5A8FBDD1C5ADC20CFC5E663C 21
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. This family of malware will set itself up as a service and connect out to a hardcoded web page and read a modified base64 string from this webpage. The later versions of this malware supports three commands (earlier ones are just downloaders or reverse shells). The first commands will sleep the malware for N number of hours. The second command will download a binary from the encoded HTML comment and execute it on the infected host. The third will spawn an encoded reverse shell to an attacker specified location and port.
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_5BCAA2F4BC7567F6FFD5507A161E22 1A
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_9F11BC08AF048C5C3A110E567082FE 0B
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_438983192903F3FECF77500A39459E E6
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_A2534E9B7E4146368EA3245381830E B0
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_BDD2AD4C0E1E5667D117810AE9E36C 4B
WEBC2-RAVE_sample_BF0EE4367EA32F8E3B911C304258E4 39
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-TABLE variant looks for web pages containing 'background', 'align', and 'bgcolor' tags to be present in the requested Web page. If the data in these tags are formatted correctly, the malware will decode a second URL and a filename. This URL is then retrieved, written to the decoded filename and executed.
WEBC2-TABLE_sample_7A7A46E8FBC25A624D58E897DEE04F FA
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-TOCK variant looks for tags which include the name of the system in them as a parameter. If those tags are formed correctly, the malware will decode the payload URL from the web page, then download and execute the payload.
no samples
The malware downloads a web page containing a crafted HTML comment that subsequently contains an encoded command. The contents of this command tell the malware whether to download and execute a program, launch a reverse shell to a specific host and port number, or to sleep for a period of time.
WEBC2-UGX_sample_4B19A2A6D40A5825E868C6EF25AE44 5E
WEBC2-UGX_sample_54D5D171A482278CC8EACF08D9175F D7
WEBC2-UGX_sample_56DE2854EF64D869B5DF7AF5E4EFFE 3E
WEBC2-UGX_sample_8462A62F13F92C34E4B89A7D13A185 AD
43. WEBC2-Y21K
A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. Members of this family of backdoor malware talk to specific Web-based Command & Control (C2) servers. The backdoor has a limited command set, depending on version. It is primarily a downloader, but it classified as a backdoor because it can accept a limited command set, including changing local directories, downloading and executing additional files, sleeping, and connecting to a specific IP & port not initially included in the instruction set for the malware. Each version of the malware has at least one hardcoded URL to which it connects to receive its initial commands. This family of malware installs itself as a service, with the malware either being the executable run by the service, or the service DLL loaded by a legitimate service. The same core code is seen recompiled on different dates or with different names, but the same functionality. Key signatures include a specific set of functions (some of which can be used with the OS-provided rundll32.exe tool to install the malware as a service), and hardcoded strings used in communication with C2 servers to issue commands to the implant.
WEBC2-Y21K_sample_4CABFAEF26FD8E5AEC01D0C4B90A32 F3
WEBC2-Y21K_sample_225E33508861984DD2A774760BFDFC 52
WEBC2-Y21K_sample_2479A9A50308CB72FCD5E4E18EF064 68
The WEBC2 malware family is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. The WEBC2-YAHOO variant enters a loop where every ten minutes it attempts to download a web page that may contain an encoded URL. The encoded URL will be found in the pages returned inside an attribute named 'sb' or 'ex' within a tag named 'yahoo'. The embedded link can direct the malware to download and execute files.
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_2B659D71AE168E774FAAF38DB30F4A 84
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_4C9C9DBF388A8D81D8CFB4D3FC05F8 E4
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_7A670D13D4D014169C4080328B8FEB 86
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_36D5C8FC4B14559F73B6136D85B941 98
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_37DDD3D72EAD03C7518F5D47650C85 72
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_0149B7BD7218AAB4E257D28469FDDB 0D
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_1415EB8519D13328091CC5C76A624E 3D
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_A8F259BB36E00D124963CFA9B86F50 2E
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_AA4F1ECC4D25B33395196B5D51A067 90
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_CC3A9A7B026BFE0E55FF219FD6AA7D 94
WEBC2-YAHOO_sample_F7F85D7F628CE62D1D8F7B39D89404 72
Good works Mila, how come you've got so much time working on this? Actually, Anthony and I tried to do this on our samples a month ago, but :(